Farfarsfars kusin: Florence E Ango (bilden inte från fängelse utan för id-foto på Bonneville Power)
Född: 2/11 1907 i Portland. Död: 23/10 2000 i Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA
Yrke: Ingenjör (Electrical engineer)
Övrigt: Gift 24/11 1934 med Walter B Ango Jr 2/9 1906 i Pennsylvania-23/2 1989 i Portland ORegon. . Från Anne Stark på Ancestry (släkting till Florences mor): "Cousin Florence was quite an intelligent woman! She graduated from Reed College in Portland, in 1927 (?) with a degree in Electrical Engineering. She went on to work for the US government at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, in Maryland. I beleive it was there she met her husband, Walter Ango. They eventually came back to Portland, where Walter opened an insurance office, and Florence worked there also. Florence obtained a law degree (by a correspondence course?), and then worked for the Bonneville Power Administration for over 20 years. She and Walter lived near Lewis & Clark College, had their horses, and raised dogs. They had no children. I remember visiting their home as a child, I was fascinated with the horses!! "
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