Farfarsmors kusin: John W Nelson ("Onkel John") med frun Blanche

Född: 22/2 1879 i Wheeler, Sac, Iowa, USA. Död: 10/4 1964 i Odebolt, Sac, Iowa, USA; hjärtattack

Yrke: Affärsman och jordbrukare

Övrigt:  Gift 14/6 1905 med Blanche O Nelson 28/1 1874 i Ill-14/12 1955 i Odebolt. Tog över sina föräldrars farm "The Maples" (som han och frun år 1919 döpte till det) där han bodde från år 1913. Besökte Sverige några gånger mellan åren (juni-sept 1923, och år 1958 och 1961 var han i Sverige veterligt). Mer information om honom finns på Odebolts historiska förenings sidor

"Onkel John" t h med Ida Henriksson på besök i Ramkvilla 1961

Han brukade köpa en ny bil i Jönköping varje gång han kom till Sverige, denna sålde han eller gav bort sedan när han åkte. I släptåg hade han också ibland sin sekreterare.

1892 startade han med en J O Benson "Benson-Nelson General Store" i Odebolt. Han startade också en diverseaffär i Herring, Iowa, som han drev till år 1914. Hade inga barn, och kusinerna Ida och Matildas släkt fick ärva 2500 dollar vardera år 1964 enligt hans testamente. Hans farm var på den tiden värd åtskilliga miljoner dollar, men det mesta testamenterades till kyrkan där. I testamentet står att byggnaderna och hans gård ska bevaras och skötas men så blev det inte utan byggnaderna förföll, vandaliserades och innehåll stals, så idag finns inget kvar av hans gård. Dock är det en park där.

Tillbringade ibland vintrarna i  Kalifornien. Besökte sin syster Emma ibland i Nebraska

John träffade Pälle Näver vid besök i Sverige år 1958. De kom mycket bra överens

Ur amerikansk tidning: John W. Nelson, 85, died at the Lutheran hospital in Sioux City Friday, April 10. He had a coronary attack while spending the winter in Los Angeles, Cal. from which he never recovered. He was hospitalized in Los Angeles for 10 weeks. He was brought to the Sioux City hospital for two weeks and was later transferred to Twilight Acres at Wall Lake. He became ill Tuesday, April 8 and was returned to the hospital in Sioux City where death came Friday.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, April 14 at 2 o'clock at Faith Lutheran church in Odebolt. The Rev. Palmer Sellstrom officiated. Burial was in the Odebolt cemetery with Albert Huldeen, George Lundgren, James Scott. John Brower, B. E. Leonard and Arthur Schmidt the attendants.
John W. Nelson, son of A. P. and Maria Nelson [their biography] was born in Wheeler township, Sac County, Ia., February 22, 1879. After graduating from Odebolt high school in 1897 he attended a business college in Des Moines. He entered into partnership with O. J. Benson, Nelson General Store. It was located where the First National Bank building now stands. Later the business was moved into the building now occupied by Jim's TV and Appliance. In 1904 the business was traded for a farm near Ute which Mr. Nelson still owned at the time of his death. Mr. Nelson started a general store in Herring, Iowa, the same year and he operated the store until 1914. He was an extensive farm land owner.
He was married to Blanche A. Benson of Odebolt June 14, 1905. The farm home, The Maples, south of Odebolt was built in 1912 and they made their home there until her death in December 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson observed their Golden Wedding anniversary earlier the same year.
Mr. Nelson was a charter baptized member of the Odebolt Lutheran church and was active in the life and work of the church. He was Sunday school superintendent and president of the Lutheran League for many years. He enjoyed traveling and with his wife made several trips to Sweden and other European countries. They spent many winters in California and the south. Mr. Nelson continued his traveling after the death of his wife.
He was preceded in death by his wife and eight brothers and sisters.
Survivors include a nephew, J. L. Benson of Willmar, Minn., and two nieces, Mrs. George Peterson of Willmar, Minn., and Mrs. E. Jahode of Rochester, Minn.
Relatives attending the services were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Benson and Mr. and Mrs. George Petersen of Willmar, Minn., Clarence Andre of Urbana, Ill., and Elmer Turnell of Chicago. Friends attending were from Ute, Breda, Wall Lake, Lake View, Sac City, Ida Grove, Kiron, and Denison.